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joanteno | all galleries >> Scenes from Rhode Island >> Newport, Rhode Island > Polo on July 22 2006.jpg
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Polo on July 22 2006.jpg

Nikon D70
1/200s f/5.6 at 200.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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snootydog23-Sep-2006 12:57
You did a great job on this one. What a shot!
Sheila24-Jul-2006 23:37
Wow! Excellent work.
Bryan Ramsay24-Jul-2006 11:52
Great timing Joan! Beuatiful shot of a beautiful animal in full motion, very well done! -BJ
Guest 24-Jul-2006 04:46
GREAT action shot! Well Done.
royalld24-Jul-2006 02:17
Timing, composition, DOF all excellent. Vote.
JW23-Jul-2006 21:27
Wow! Cracking shot. Wasn't this why photography developed in the first place? - to discover whether a horse did have all four feet off the ground at any one time? ~V~
Zak23-Jul-2006 18:31
great action shot!
QUERIDO23-Jul-2006 17:35
nice shot!
Mindy McNaugher23-Jul-2006 15:56
Great capture Joan!! Wow! Vote!
Karen Leaf23-Jul-2006 13:54
all 4 off the floor! GREAT shot Joan!
Gayle P. Clement23-Jul-2006 12:03
Great action shot.