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joanteno | all galleries >> Sunrise from the End of the Street >> sunrises_in_2005 > Sunrise NC on October 22 2005 p.jpg
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Sunrise NC on October 22 2005 p.jpg

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1
1/3s f/8.0 at 18.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Sam Rua09-Aug-2011 05:38
Super sunset color.
Monte Dodge16-Jan-2006 17:12
Very nice job.. You have some really awesome photos.. I need to get busy as I a few good shots and lots of bad ones!!!
Guest 06-Jan-2006 02:17
brilliant shot!
Eric Pouhier05-Jan-2006 09:24
WOW! really stunning, ERic
Guest 02-Dec-2005 21:45
wonderful sunset :)
ricardo 02-Nov-2005 20:51
lo felicito, mi nombre es ricardo y vivo en bogota colombia, estoy facinado con sus fotos, es increible y quisiera pedirle el favor que me regalara por e mail esta foto pero en el tamaño original para poderla imprimir y colocarla en la pared de mi casa, mi correo es
muchas gracias
cherryboy 02-Nov-2005 07:36
very cool.
shatterbug25-Oct-2005 17:39
Wow! Amazing colors and nice comp! Vote.
steve mcsweeny24-Oct-2005 06:23
Heres another WOW! for you;).Would look good on anyones wall.Vote!
Mindy McNaugher23-Oct-2005 22:40
Spectacular!!! Amazing colors and fabulous mood! Vote!
Guest 23-Oct-2005 13:57
LOVELY! what lovely reds! what an amazing thing to see, I'm jealous! :) voted
Steven Jusczyk23-Oct-2005 07:20
Well done! Amazing color and light.
Guest 22-Oct-2005 23:12
WOW! Stunning, stunning, stunning!
Pic Chick22-Oct-2005 22:59
*clap clap clap* Spectacular!!! You have the most beautiful sunrises there!! GREAT shot.
Sharon Rogers22-Oct-2005 19:48
wow... that's unreal! Lucky you!
Sheila22-Oct-2005 16:17
WOW! Are those colours for real!
Della Huff22-Oct-2005 15:34
Wow, those colors are amazing!
Guest 22-Oct-2005 13:18
Absolutely beautiful! Love this picture. Nice gallery! Lynne