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Joan Dick 24-Nov-2013 09:40
Hi I have done 2 more trips to KaiPing, 2009 and 2011. Very nostalgic for me to see your photos. Memories of my father's village and the house built for his mother and Chinese wives of the brothers who immigrated to Canada and the Philippines.
severina 02-Jul-2012 10:20
Nell’isola di Brac considerata la perla della Croazia affittasi confortevoli appartamenti vicino al
Terri Rucker 28-Jan-2012 21:15
Thank you Ray for the images of Iran, I dated an iranian in college 30 years ago, it is nice to see some of the sights, that he may have seen growing up...
Guest 14-Apr-2011 12:31
Per le Tue Vacanze al Mare scegli la Croazia, la meravigliosa isola di Brac Supetar! Tel: 00385912512763
Peter 15-Dec-2010 00:54
Your photos of Tibet & Cambodia are wonderful. I am planning a first-time trip to Cambodia, hope I would have the same beautiful experience.
morini 19-Jun-2010 08:21
Per le Tue Vacanze al Mare scegli la Croazia, la meravigliosa isola di Brac Supetar! Tel: 00385912512763
Dijana 28-Mar-2010 11:38
Nell’isola di Brac considerata la perla della Croazia affittasi confortevoli appartamenti vicino al
severina 12-Feb-2010 23:58
Nell’isola di Brac considerata la perla della Croazia affittasi confortevoli appartamenti vicino al
steve dixon 06-Nov-2009 15:30
sorry ray,

forgot to add, my email address is

steve dixon 06-Nov-2009 15:29

I have just looked at your Tunisia photo's,

wow! absolutely breathtaking. Brings back so many memories.
I went to Tunisia and stayed in Sousse with my wife in february 2000.
we visited the amphitheatre of El Djem and it was truly amazing how you managed to campture so many wonderful shots.

I am an amateur photographer myself and have just bought myself a half decent camera, a fuji finepix s1000 fd 10mp. has a 10x optical and a 12x digital, I have managed to capture some amazing landscare shots of the moon with that, maybe if you email me, I could send you some to have a look at.

severina 16-Sep-2009 22:24
Nell’isola di Brac considerata la perla della Croazia affittasi confortevoli appartamenti vicino al
severina 15-Sep-2009 22:04
Nell’isola di Brac considerata la perla della Croazia affittasi confortevoli appartamenti vicino al
Lam 27-Apr-2009 04:07

Nice Photo!
Our workplace is now working for a resource book, we would like to include some of your photos. Could you please send me email so that I can disucss the copyright with you?
Alex Cheung06-Apr-2009 15:36
Guest 04-Apr-2009 09:07
Gorgeous work Ray, found your shots by accident - this is one of the great features of P=base! You have an excellent eye for color and capturing a magical quality of light, the love you have for China especially shows. I really enjoyed seeing your galleries.

Dina Yup 27-Oct-2008 14:49
Your pictures are beautiful! I would like to know if I can display some of your photographs for my job's annual conference as part of our diversity task force(teaches different cultures)I Work at Texas Asociation Against Sexual Assault.We will not sell your pictures or anything like that, we just wanna show them at our reception. Please reply if you can.
Thank you very much for your great work.
Liza 02-Jun-2008 04:16
So proud of u when i saw those comments from your gallery. Life seems to be different under your shooting and the colour is more fabulous. Thanks for bringing them to us and cheers for lives!
POPO 28-Feb-2008 03:39
«¢«¢...... ¯¬ "°Ïù" ¥Í¤é§Ö¼Ö¡C
Julie Aucoin26-Jan-2008 03:38
It's been a pleasure to browse through your galleries. Beautiful work!
Joan Dick 21-Jan-2008 01:04
I found this gallery while doing a search on "diaolous". I am a Canadian -- my father immigrated from Kaiping, China, in 1919. I have been to the home village in 1986, 2002, 2005. I didn't have a digital camera. When I looked at your photos, it brought back memories of my trips to my Father's home village. Joan Dick
Bobby Wong Jr.25-Dec-2007 21:26
You've been to places that I hope to visit one day. Thanks.
Guest 04-Dec-2007 15:06
Ray, ¤´¬O¤Q¤À³ßÅw§Aªº§@«~, ²`©I»¡: "Wow~~ ¼Û¬°Æ[¤î!"

Guest 31-Aug-2007 14:21
a unbelieveable gallery!
Guest 18-Aug-2007 10:17
Hi Ray, though this is my first visit but leaving behind lots of memories. You have created a high benchmark for your gallery. Lots to see and learn.
Guest 12-Apr-2007 08:23
Dear Ray,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...
Federico D'Incà14-Feb-2007 00:41
Great photos Ray ....tks for sharing !!
Salah El-Sadek11-Feb-2007 10:37
Hello Ray,
I came to your galleries by mere chance, but I am glad to find it, your shots around the world are fantastic and prove your talent and excellent comprehension to the art of photography, thanks for your lovely photos in my country Egypt, ther are great, sure i will visit your galleries many times in the future to enjoy and commenting.. Best wishes..
etoile 12-Dec-2006 15:19
X'mas is coming. It would be nice to see something about the festival through your camera.
roulette 28-Nov-2006 06:32
u have the beauty site
roulette 28-Nov-2006 03:27
u have the beauty site
roulette 27-Nov-2006 23:19
u have the beauty site
Guest 25-Nov-2006 14:30
Ray, You have been many beautiful places
I hope you will keep your trips going on and keep uploading your photos
Ruby 11-Nov-2006 05:17
Ray, you are not only a gifted photographer but also a sensitive poet. But what impressed others much more is your caring heart for friends in the tough trip.
Henley 09-Nov-2006 01:26
Ray, you use your eyes and brain to capture the image as a photographer while you use your heart to treat your friend. Keep up your good works and attitude.

Travel companion forever

Richard Haas 23-Oct-2006 09:10
Could you please contact me. Thanks in advance.
Guest 16-Aug-2006 14:21
I like your egypt gallery. the photos have great colors and composition. What I liked most: your snap shots.
regards, Volker
Greg Little31-Jul-2006 18:15
Great galleries. I found them while browsing. Very nice travel images. Well done.
greenwalker 28-Jul-2006 12:57
just found your gallery while searching for travel info of ethiopia. very nice pictures. would like to say it's the best i've ever seen!
Ellen 12-Mar-2006 06:12
©Þµ·¤§¤Í¦¨­û, Ellen.
1moremile05-Mar-2006 09:59
Great galleries of places I will never be able to visit. Thanks for posting. Especially enjoyed the Long Street Banquet and the France ones.
Jeremy04-Mar-2006 16:03
Hi, Ray
I enjoyed your galleries on Yunnan. I also just came back from there in Dec 05. Always interesting to see the place from another photographer's camera. Cheers.
Guest 01-Mar-2006 18:13
Thank you for your answers for my questions
I love your galleries about Yunnan
keep going!!!
bruna 25-Nov-2005 17:13
E nato un nuovo portale italiano di annunci economici gratuiti
dislocato su ogni provincia d'italia qui di seguito riportati i link del portale
Vai a vederlo ed Inserisci anche tu un annuncio
Ray09-Nov-2005 15:33
Really hope that we can both finish our wish lists!!
Guest 09-Nov-2005 13:57
Your photo wish list is my wish list too ! Awiating for you to complete the photo collection ! :)
David Dong02-Nov-2005 12:36
Hi Ray: After looking at some your of works, I know I had lots of ground to catch up! enjoy your wonderful shots and looking forward to see your next adventure
Guest 23-Oct-2005 13:36
Ray, ¤W¦¸¯d¨¥¤w¸g¬O¨â¦~«eªº¨Æ, ­ì¨ÓÂ಴¹L¤F¨â¦~!
¼M! §Aªº®È¹CÄá¼v§@«~, ¹ê¦b©ç¥X¦U¦aªº¯S¦â, ¦n¹³¾È¦t­·±¡¤@¼Ë!
Stanley Ip 18-Oct-2005 17:06
One of the best galleries, wonderful.
Paolo CK NG 13-Oct-2005 09:16
Fede 29-Aug-2005 13:23
HI. I'm traveling to Cambodia and i need some help!
Can you contact me?
Richard Haas 24-Jul-2005 09:07
Could you please contact me. Thanks in advance
Richard Haas 24-Jul-2005 09:06
Could you please contact me. Thanks in advance
Ray12-Jan-2005 15:16

By all means! Just let me know which photo you want and leave your e-mail and I can send it to you.

Guest 12-Jan-2005 09:14
Hi Rhfau! I love your photos. I was wondering if I could use one of our "Nile Cruise" photo's for my travel website? Is this something you share? Perhaps you have a high res version that you could let me have?
Guest 19-Dec-2004 04:25
Very nice pictures, amazing colors. Keep up the good work.
Guest 27-Mar-2004 11:18
I realy like your photos.i vote for this gallery :)

welcome to my image bank ,NIKON D100 Gallery
Guest 17-Oct-2003 05:43
Guest 15-Oct-2003 16:14
The photos are great, very professional. Robocop said he cannot find both of you in the album, but I finally find your shadow...... Keep it on!!
Ray14-Oct-2003 15:25
Thanks for your compliments! Those 'natural' ones, which are shielded by the landform, are for ladies, and hence the gentlemen's would naturally be on the other side of the highway.
Kei Kei 14-Oct-2003 12:48
It's great! The photos are colourful and beautiful! Some titles are very funny! Did you two really use the 'natural toilet'?