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Profile for Phil Douglis
Name Phil Douglis (joined 27-Aug-2003) (pbase supporter)
Username pnd1
Personal URL
Location Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona
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View Galleries : Phil Douglis has 96 galleries and 4884 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 14198841 times.

View Guestbook : 262 messages. Most recent on 06-Jan-2025.

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Message from Phil Douglis
For more than 50 years, I've been teaching photographic communication as well as pursuing my passion for travel photography. I am director of The Douglis Visual Workshops in Phoenix, Arizona, a training resource in expressive photography for organizational communicators, photo-editors, travel photographers and hobbyists.

I currently offer comprehensive one-on-one tutorial workshops in digital imaging and photographic communication. These tutorials provide flexibility in cost, length, and content, can extend from one to four days, and can be adjusted to cover everything from basic digital photography skills and photo-editing, to expressive travel photography. I work with photographers and editors at all levels, and can also help beginning to advanced photographic hobbyists. I offer these tutorials only in Phoenix, Arizona. You can request more information, or schedule training with me, by sending an email to

This collection of galleries, entitled "Expressive Travel Photography and Travel Photojournalism: Communicating with Pictures,” is intended as a "cyber-book" on photographic expression. Launched on pbase in 2003, this interactive learning device is, in essence, an educational blog about visual literacy. It is probably the largest and most comprehensive instructional resource on visual literacy freely available on the internet. I have responded to thousands of comments left by viewers in these galleries, and I invite my viewers to add their own comments to this invaluable body of opinion and ideas. After more than ten years here on, this cyberbook has drawn more than twelve million page views to date, and it contains more than 20,000 comments, illuminating almost 5,000 images displayed in nearly 100 galleries. I have written my own commentary on each image as well. Instead of explaining how I made these photos in terms of their technical standards and techniques, I show you how and why I use a camera to express my feelings and ideas about what I encounter on my travels. I hope that this "cyber-book" can help you learn how to better express your own photographic ideas, particularly how to interpret, rather than just describe, what we see before us.

I suggest that you first read my 14 paragraph introduction on the gallery index page. (Click on the "All Galleries" link at the top of this page.) It will give you an essential context for getting the most out of my cyberbook. I recommend that you study galleries one, two and three first. They provide a solid foundation for photographic expression. The remaining galleries can be browsed in any order.

I offer these ideas here on the internet as a complimentary instructional resource for passionate photographers around the world. I post these galleries on solely for educational purposes. I am grateful to the hundreds of people who I've photographed in these images. Knowingly or unknowingly, by appearing in my photos, all of these people are indirectly helping others to learn and grow as photographic artists. I thank them all for their help. If there are any among them who object to appearing here, I will respect their wishes and remove such images from my galleries.

A large thumbnail is displayed for each image, along with a detailed caption explaining how I intended to express my ideas. If you click on the large thumbnail, you can see the image in its full size, as well as leave comments and read the comments of others. If you are a pbase member, I hope you will be able to participate in the dialogue. This is an interactive learning device, an educational blog about visual literacy. Feel free to ask any questions below the images, and let us know how you feel these pictures work as expression. You will be helping me to teach, and others to learn.

I also display my images as a travel photography archive on, at: I present 4,000 travel images there (including many of those I use h
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