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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> Primary Color: It all about Color > pbase Bristol Houses October 8 2006.jpg
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pbase Bristol Houses October 8 2006.jpg

Shot from last week. Digging out after the trip to UK.
After spending so much of my time walking Java in Brisotl, RI,
I was very fortuntate to hang in Bristol, UK with
some of the UK stars of Pbase. Great day that made the
too quick trip to UK tolerable.

October 16 2006

Nikon D80
1/640s f/6.3 at 112.0mm iso100 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time08-Oct-2006 09:22:15
ModelNIKON D80
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length112 mm
Exposure Time1/640 sec
ISO Equivalent100
Exposure Bias-0.33
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Greg Harp20-Oct-2006 14:20
Gorgeous work, terrific composition.
Sheila18-Oct-2006 00:06
I bet they're a lot more attractive in this photo than they are in real life!
Jackdad17-Oct-2006 22:44
I didn't know you'd been in the UK! Hope you had a nice trip!
JW14-Oct-2006 08:50
Nice shot of these photo-tempting houses